Piggy Duke Chapter 6 — A Friend Fraud? It Can’t Be True!

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update. I had planned to upload this earlier but I got sidetracked.

A few more announcements this time, so bear with me!

First, I’d like to give a shout out to the people at the Piggy Duke Wiki! It’s a bit sparse in terms of content right now, but they’ve been slowly adding new things. I’ve noticed they’ve been using some of my translation efforts to fill out parts of their site, and I’m happy that I can be of use!

Next, if you haven’t seen yet, we started translating a new light novel called I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World! It’s actually surprisingly well-plotted despite it’s rather “unique” gimmick, so I recommend you check it out! I haven’t read the entire series yet though, so there’s always the chance it can go south, but so far I’m enjoying it!

Now, with the shameless promotion out of the way, I have a question for you all:

As you might know, our resident Piggy Duke likes to make a lot of “oink” noises. This is a translation from what he does in Japanese, which can be literally translated as “buhi”. The Japanese onomatopoeia for the noise a pig makes. I at first chose to translate it as what we commonly say pigs sound like, but I’ve been on the fritz of whether I should continue down this path.

If you want to make your voice heard, please vote in the comments below! If you have even the slightest preference for “oink” or “buhi”, please say so. If you don’t really care either way, feel free to let me know that fact as well. I’m using this as a test to see how many people I can expect to vote for things in the future.

Now, this is really the last thing! This is the longest chapter yet, and introduces characterization for several characters and even what could be described as a “fight scene”! The novel will get better from here on out, so please stick with it.

With that all being said, onto the links!

Side Note: I haven’t been able to get my proof-readers to look over the contents yet, so I may have a few typos. Apologies if that’s the case!

11/19/2019 11:45 PM Edit: Fixed a misleading typo near the end of the translation. Sorry!

11/20/2019 11:41 AM Edit: Fixed a few more typos.

Google Doc Link

8 thoughts on “Piggy Duke Chapter 6 — A Friend Fraud? It Can’t Be True!

  1. Buhi~~ is the way!!!
    Thanks for the translation!
    I’m very grateful for it till now, hope u continue translating it..

    Greetins from south america!


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